Emily Prud’hommeaux

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Boston College

Office: 245 Beacon, CS Department, 4th Floor
Telephone: 617-552-3928
Email: Click here

My research area is natural language processing (NLP) in low-resource settings, with a particular focus on endangered languages, child language, and the language of individuals with conditions impacting communication and cognition. Before coming to BC, I was an assistant professor at RIT, where I co-founded the Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing lab. Before that I was a postdoc at the University of Rochester, and before getting my PhD at the former OGI (now OHSU), I worked for several years in the language modeling group at Nuance.

Recent News

  • 5/2024: RA and senior thesis student Gavin Zhang was recognized as a Scholar of the College and awarded the McCarthy Prize for his senior thesis: A framework for formalizing and automating interpretability. Gavin also won the Neuhauser Award. Congratulations, Gavin!

  • 4/2024: PhD student Robbie Jimerson successfully defended his dissertation: Exploring speech recognition for documenting Seneca, an acutely under resourced Native American language. Congratulations, Robbie!

  • 4/2024: RA Annie Liu was recognized as a Scholar of the College for her senior thesis: Asian American Studies at California’s Public Universities: Strategies and Rhetoric of Asian American Student Activism in the Late 20th Century. Congratulations, Annie!

  • 4/2024: RA Danni Qu will be attending grad school in the fall at Carnegie Mellon.

  • 8/2023: Our NSF DLI proposal Bootstrapping a Corpus of Endangered Languages was selected for funding and will start in September 2023.

  • 8/2023: Dr. Eric Le Ferrand (PhD with Steven Bird at Charles Darwin University) is joining our lab as a Postdoctoral Scholar to work on NLP for endangered languages.

  • 1/2023: Former postdoc Dr. Zoey Liu started as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Computational Language Science at the University of Florida.”